If it’s a site with a set plot you seek we’re sorry to say you’re walking blind. Estyre’s history and future is formed by the members in the way they see fit. This means any character created within the confines of this forum has the chance to forever change it and for better or worse is entirely up to you. The fate of an entire world can rest in the hands of one beast, should you only dare to make a difference.
Estyre is a play by post fantasy beast roleplay for intermediate to advanced writers. Our characters have few limits in their creation and can have extra limbs, peculiar markings, hybrids, powers and more, the only barrier is your imagination! We have a relatively easy 200 words minimum for all in character posts, a lovely detailed character form, personalized boards for members, competitions for extra cash as well as a variety of other fun stuff! Our friendly staff team linger often so don’t be afraid to drop us a message whenever you’re in need.