Post by Midnightive on May 22, 2013 0:22:36 GMT -6
Name: Leopardstorm
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Leader
Age: 30 moons
Gender: Female
Picture (Optional):
Example of rping (IC):
Secret Word: eagle
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Leader
Age: 30 moons
Gender: Female
Picture (Optional):
This she-cat is a short furred cat, her fur is a light sandy brown colour. Her body has spots all over her, they are a darker brown with a black outline. Just like a leopard hence her name. Though her front paws have more of a tabby feel to them. Her tail had large black spots on them as well as a black tip. Her soft underbelly is as white as snow.
Leopardstorms build is some what different to the average Thunderclan. Though having the thick muscle characteristic, that’s where the similarity ends. She has lean shoulders for quick, graceful fighting. Her paws medium size for hard blows with her paws. Her ears are larger then a cat her size.
Her face is a oval shape, her muzzles is a normal size for her head shape. Though her ears are the size of a cat twice her size. Her head is the same sandy brown colour as the rest of her body. Though she has tabby like features on it, even the trade mark ‘M’ that tabby’s have. Her muzzle and the bottom of her checks are a white colour. Leopardstorms eyes are small and round. They are a emerald colour.
Leopardstorm is well, temperamental shall we say. Her tongue is as sharp as a knife, slowly cutting into cats just for some sick game. She likes to wind cats up, she gets a lot of joy at seeing people shout at her because she’s made them angry. Though easily wound up her self, as she has a lot of pride her coat. Though having the skill to back up her sly comments, because of that pride. She likes to avoid fighting cat could pin her down and do some real damage.
She’s not always like this, not to those she chooses. Her sharp tongue has some what disappeared. She seems to care for other cats, and is loyal to her clan. She is never brave and believes giving her life will be the best way for her to go. Her lack of friends and the boat load of enemies she has made. Wont phase this she-cat, she just takes as some kind of trophy.
Leopardkit sadly lost her mother, she died giving birth to her. Unlike most cats, Leopardkit was never sad that her mother died. Just angry that she left her. Her foster mother was sweet and caring. Unlike most kits she spent her time at the elders. Listening to there stories and filling her brain with knowledge. Staying over there so long, made her pick up the bitterness that the elders had. But she loves to tell stories, she went back to the nursery. Telling them great stories of the past, and the old cats of which she was named after. Sadly her story telling got to good, and the kits wanted to hear her do it again. She didn’t want to tell the stories over and over again to have kits gulping at her. She grew stubborn as her ‘valuable’ time got eaten up be nagging kits.
Now as Leopardpaw the first moon of training was spent trying to get her to even listen, to show even an little bit of respect to her mentor. She found it more fun to be bitter, and watch her mentor grow angry at her for not listening. It didn’t help Leopardpaw was and still is a fast learner. Once she has learnt something, she can do it again and again with no problems. Leopardpaw met an apprentice called Coalpaw, they were great friends. They missed training together it was great fun. Saddly Coalpaws mother passe away giving birth to Coalpaws younger brother. She and him had to grow up fast and Coalpaws brothers and dad didn't care for the young kit. Having to be a mother of her best friends little brother. Was odd at first, having to do apprentice training then come back and help mother a kitten. Coalpaw and Leopardpaw became warriors, and magpiekit Coalpaws brother became an apprentice.
So there stood, Coalfeather,Leopardstorm and Magpiepaw. They stood prouder then ever, but it didn't take long for everything to go to hell. There was a dog attack Coal and Leopard were not to far away from it, so heard the yowling. They ran and saw Magpiepaw dead next to her mentor. For a good few moons they stayed depressed, before Leopard and Coal had an argument like old times. From then on they were mates, they were never normal mates though always bickering and fighting over stupid things. But Leopardstorm got pregnant, she could hide it as her small frame showed it like a sour thumb. She got told to stay at camp, by Coal she did but only out of anger. She laid in the warriors den being to stubborn to more to the nursery. The sound of yowling made her heart turn and she got up running to the battle. She watched at Coalfeather died, out of anger she took revenge on the warrior standing over Coalfeather loosing all but one kit, she crawled away once the warrior the killed her mate was also dead. She gave birth on the battle field running back giving her only kit to one of the queens. She sat in the middle of the camp, she knew she had to do something, even in if it was small.
Example of rping (IC):
Leopardstorm rolled out of her deep slumber, she looked around the den to see very few cats still sleeping. It had been a long day, first Cheetahpaw made her lose all her pray. She remembered how angry that got her, how annoyed that someone yelling in the forest made her lose her pray. Then she climbed the big oak a purr from the back of her throat escaped. Who knew she’d find a friend in an apprentice of all cats. Her eyes glimmered with hope for the young apprentice she met that day. For once she felt good about the clan, about what laid ahead for them.
She rolled out of bed, her paws and muscles ached from showing off to Cheetahpaw. She shrugged it off before stretching, it felt good to loosen the muscles. She padded silently out the den, stepping over the few sleeping warriors. She noted one to be Duskeye, she always saw him as a friend. He never once wound her up. She squeezed out the den, noting it had gotten late in the day. She shook her body getting any, moss that stuck to her fur. She watched the little bits of moss go flying off, before giving a few licks to her chest.
She moved towards the fresh kill pile, she hadn’t eaten all day. She bend her head down, picking at what seemed like a squirrel she caught early that day. She walked away carrying the limb Squirrel in her mouth before settling down by the warrior den. Taking small bites of the squirrel trying to keep the taste as long as could her in mouth. She looked over to a few warrior that were walking past. Talking about how Cloudstar had gone. She paused, that can’t be true? Can it she wondered. She gulped down the last piece of squirrel. She looked up seeing Heronflight get to the top of the rocks. She got her paws seeing if she had time to do anything before the call.
Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the Highrock for a clan meeting!
Her tail flicked in anger, no time. She gave a quick lick around her muzzle. Getting rid of any scraps of squirrel that got caught in her whisker. She walked into the warrior den, her muzzle gently pushing into Duskeye side. “come on, you fur ball there is a clan meeting!" she protested. Duskeye turned away from Leopardstorm. Her eyes flashed with anger, she had gotten her fire back. She pushed her muzzle into his flank again. More anger this time. Duskeye rolled over and got to his paw.
He stretch and looked out the den to see what time it was. His good eye landing on Leopardstorm. “ok, ok I’m up” he grunted. He padded clumsy out the den in his half awake state. He looked around before settling before the rock where Heronflight stood.
Leopardstorm narrowed her eyes, before following him out the den. He can be so mouse brained she snapped to her self. She got out the den and made her way to the rock. She looked both sides of her, to see only Duskeye side was filed. She shrugged, before sitting down. Her tail flicked up and laid neatly on her paws. She looked around to see, Fallownose. They never got on, they were to much alike. She sat there looking up keeping quiet as she waited for Heronflight to talk.
Secret Word: eagle