We have Leaders, Deputes, Med. Cats, and Med. Cats Apprentices spots open and up for the taking.
We are a new site so still getting new members, so no one is gonna be 'new kid'. We all know how awkward that can be!
Semi-lit and up! We like lengthy replies and bios so if you like those too, come join us.
Friendly members! We like everyone getting along and plan on keeping it that way! If you like nice people, come step our way!
Original clans and territory, so no worries on remembering the new ones or not even having to finish the second series before joining us!
Cause I am trying to make you all laugh, while advertising this, so pretty please with sugar on top, come and join us! We are in need of members! Hope to see ya there. Oh by the way I am Wolfie, the Mod so i you need help, ask me or Cinder! Cinder is the creator of this awesome site.