Meet Bob, your average not-very-nice dragon. He woke up in Sizael Kingdom to find out that he couldn't eat any dwarves or elves or any of the traditional fantasy races because the World of Seno doesn't have any of them! We're not sure if he liked Sizael's offering of Jateri, Humans and Anubians instead, because he killed the messenger (the silly lady on his back - she didn't think to install seatbelts)! He later tried to eat our small but friendly community when he heard that we welcome everyone who wants to play at Sizael. We were too sweet though, and he threw us up and left with his tail firmly tucked between his legs!
Would you like to play an original action-fantasy roleplay game?
Pop by Sizael and see if we are your cup of tea! You're very welcome to chat with us in the shoutbox, and there's always something to do!